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Alumni Board Application


Lake Highland Preparatory School’s Alumni Board of Directors represents the voice of all Highlander alums. They support the mission of the school and encourage alumni engagement through social and networking events and stewardship.

Your commitment to serve on the LHP Alumni Board of Directors includes:

Be committed to the mission of Lake Highland Preparatory School

Attend 80% of alumni board meetings and events (10 meetings + 4 events annually)

Financial support to the Highlander Fund each fiscal year (7/1 thru 6/30)

Communicate with other board members between meetings (usually via email)

Encourage fellow alumni to support the Highlander Fund

Co-host alumni events such as Homecoming and the alumni holiday party

Positively promote LHP and the Alumni Association within your social and professional networks


First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Can you commit to attending 80% of the LHP Alumni Board meetings (held monthly at 6 p.m., usually on a Wednesday)?required
Are you willing to make a personal, financial donation annually to The Highlander Fund?requiredRequired for serving on the alumni board of directors
Required for serving on the alumni board of directors